Fifth Grade Class Picture
[from right to left, first two columns]
Gerldine Coston, Gary Rudolph, John Nottingham, Brad Williams, Glen Hume, Linda Boyd, Jerry Van Sabastian, Horace Jordan, Donna Caldwell, and Hattie Ray.
[right to left third and fourth columns]
Jackie Rhines, Luther Jennings, Claudia Thomas, Rita Brown, Ajia Sakakini, Randy McSpadden, David Jackson, Richard Mayo, Kenneth Charest, and James (Cubby) Wolf.
[right to left last two columns]
Linda Harrison (of The Pier Fame), Andy Walker, Kathleen Parker, Blake Weston, Barbara Stoots, Daniel (Danny) Coleman, and Pam Harrison (Linda and Brenda Harrison's Cuz).
Mrs. Burt.