Monday, May 24, 2004

The Best Seating Available

As I recall, some of the best seats at the school were the bicycle prongs under the corrugated roof of the bike racks...especially when it was raining. It was a great gathering place for recounting past activities and sharing jokes, keeping the sun at bay, and just parking our butts, inasmuch as none of us owned bicycles in those day. We were all "walkers."

The squared benches that surrounded each of the pin oaks were good for sunny days, however, mostly girls sat under the trees. At recess they covered the benches like caddydids. You would have thought they were apple trees and not pin oaks and you would have thought that they were all waiting for Adam to show up with an apple treat the way they gathered underneath the boughs and gossiped. I for one preferred to stand during recess...well actually run. We always ran at recess. "Red Rover. Red Rover. Let's hold hands and run someone over." We were always too active to sit. In fact sitting was not the academic program of choice.

The exception to freedom of picking your time and place to sit *the sound of a lightening strike is appropriate here* was the Principal's Bench. The gray lift-top benches were placed across the hall from the principal's office. Not much freedom associated with those seats. They did provide a good view of the main hall and the entrance. They also provided tons of amusement to onlookers and offered us another opportunity to clown and chat.

I've already revisited the Principal's Benches, just last month, but they did not look the same. The lids were nailed shut, the gray paint had been removed, and the benches varnished. They were now set around the corner and facing the new Front Office, but they sure felt the same...well actually they felt better this apprehension.

The benches that were squared around the trees are gone now. The trees appear the same size, however, and the concrete driveway seems unchanged, just a tad more narrow.

The bike racks were still there, but I neglected to park my rear end last month. This is something I have to put on my "to do" list. I wonder if I'll fit this time around?


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